Your Questions About Guaranteed Press Releases – Answered!

Your Questions About Guaranteed Press Releases – Answered!2016-11-30T00:29:37+00:00

To assist you in making the decision to leverage the power of PR LEADS to get more media exposure and more recognition as a thought leader in your market or niche, we have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about PR LEADS.

When you are ready to begin, click here to explore our press release writing, editing, and distribution options now.

If you have any questions that are not answered here, let us know.

Overall, how does the process work?2016-12-01T20:16:09+00:00

Press releases can be a maximum of 800 words, including headline, contact information and copy.

Deadline is 5 p.m. Central time. Press releases received after that time will be held until the next business day.

Press releases will be distributed on the day following approval. Press releases cannot be issued on the same day.

Contact names must be real names. Contact phones and emails must be real.

What happens if you are unable to send our press release?2016-12-01T20:15:46+00:00

We reserve the right to refuse any press release for any reason. Any deposits will be refunded if we do not accept the press release.

What is your guarantee?2020-06-04T06:58:01+00:00

Except for the industries mentioned elsewhere in this FAQ, we will get your Guaranteed Press Release on at least 50 media websites, or your money back.

Are there exceptions to your guarantee?2016-12-01T20:13:56+00:00

Our guarantee of service applies only to business and health press releases. Press releases about politics or social issues might not be printed by the media and our guarantee will not apply to these types of press releases.

What kinds of industries do you serve?2016-12-01T20:12:55+00:00

An updated list of industries and companies is maintained here.

What kinds of industries do you NOT serve?2016-12-01T20:11:48+00:00

We update this list from time to time. Currently, we are unable to help in the following areas:

  • Illegal goods or services
  • Escort and dating services
  • Online trading or day trading tips
  • Gambling services, products or gambling education
  • Multi-level marketing
  • Credit repair, get-out-of-debt content
What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization?2016-11-29T21:59:18+00:00

SEO or search engine optimization is a way to get your website viewed by anyone searching the Internet. Sites that are displayed higher in the search engines get more traffic than sites that are lower in the search engines. If your site is not on the first page of Google, it will probably not be viewed by many people. We craft your press release so it has a better chance of being found in the search engines by your prospects.

What does “optimized” mean?2016-11-29T21:52:50+00:00

When we “optimize” the press release, we add keywords and links to help improve the chances of the press release being found.

What is the benefit of search engine optimization?2016-11-29T21:52:34+00:00

More people will find your site and will visit. The ultimate goal is for you to get more sales by seeing more prospects. Of course, whether people will buy is completely in your hands and depends on what you are selling, what the price is and how convincing you are.

What is a “keyword”?2016-11-29T21:52:17+00:00

A keyword is a term that people search for in a search engine. You want to use words that people search for so they can find your press release.

How can I find the right keywords?2016-11-29T21:51:59+00:00

There are tools by Google and other companies that can help you find keywords.

How many keywords can I put into a press release?2016-11-29T21:51:41+00:00

You can put 1 keyword for every 100 words. But you should not use the same keyword over and over. Search engines don’t like that. Use a variety of keywords and combinations of keywords that your clients and prospects would search for.

What is “anchor text”?2016-11-29T21:51:22+00:00

Anchor text is a link from a word on your press release to a specific page on your website. You’ve probably seen them represented by a blue underline beneath the word.

What is a hyperlink?2016-11-29T21:51:05+00:00

A hyperlink is a piece of text that contains a link to another webpage. A hyperlink can be a word, or a website URL, or even a text image. When a reader clicks on the link, the referred page or website will be displayed. This is a good way to get a person who is reading your press release to learn more about your products, or sign up to buy the product.

Why do I need to send press releases?2016-11-29T21:49:38+00:00

To get seen by reporters, prospects, lawmakers, influencers and search engines. Press releases can be a great way to get more visitors to your website so you can make more sales.

Why is it news/newsworthy to send out a press release if I’ve just written a personal development book? It’s not tied to any current news event. It’s seems like it’s just a promotion for me and it seems like it would look like that in the eyes of the reporters as well.2016-11-29T21:49:14+00:00

Yes, it is a promotion for you, but a very targeted promotion. No one cares that a book was printed. They care about the content of the book. So you can write a press release that shows people how to benefit from a portion of your book, i.e. how to reduce stress, how to motivate employees effectively, how to save money on your taxes. That is what people want to read. The other point is that our press releases can help more people find you via the search engines, as well as via the media sites. So even though you aren’t a celebrity and your book is not news, a press release can still have value in marketing you, your book and your website.

Why are search engines important for press releases? I thought I just needed to send press releases to reporters.2016-11-29T21:48:57+00:00

Many of your potential clients and buyers look to search engines to find companies like yours. If they read about your company in a press release that was printed on a media site, you will benefit from the branding of that publication.  For many people, search engines are the first place they look to find new businesses. If you aren’t easily found, you will lose business.

I’ve never written a press release. Can you write one for me?2016-11-29T21:48:32+00:00

Yes. Choose the Gold package.

I’ve written press releases but I don’t know anything about search engine optimization. Can you just do that part for me?2016-11-29T21:48:09+00:00

Yes. Choose the Silver package.

I know what I’m doing in terms of writing a press release and SEO can you just send out the press release?2016-11-29T21:47:44+00:00

Yes. Choose the Bronze package.

Can I hire someone on Elance to write a press release?2016-11-29T21:47:26+00:00

Yes, just be sure they know what they are doing and that American or Canadian English is their first language. Non-native speakers can make embarrassing mistakes that no spell checker or grammar checker could catch.

Can I write the release and have you look it over?2016-11-29T21:47:07+00:00

Yes. If you choose the Bronze package, we will review your press release for style. If you choose the Silver package, we will copy edit the press release and add search engine optimization.

Do you send the press release to bloggers and social media sites?2016-11-29T21:46:49+00:00

Yes. We send the press release to bloggers who have asked to receive press releases in their subject area.

How long can a press release be?2016-11-29T21:46:30+00:00

Other services limit your word count to about 400 words before they tack on extra charges. We allow 750 words including the press release, headline and contact information. Not sure what you mean by “including the press release, headline” Do you mean, “including the press release headline” If so, just take out the comma between release and headline.

Can I promote my services in a press release?2016-11-29T21:46:10+00:00

Yes. Press releases are promotional tools. But be careful that the press release doesn’t look or sound like a sales letter. No one will want to read it.

Can I put links, hyperlinks and anchor text into a press release?2016-11-29T21:45:51+00:00


How many links can I put into a press release?2016-11-29T21:45:32+00:00

The rule of thumb is one link for every 100 words. Don’t put too many links too closely together because it just looks bad to the eye.

Will reporters call me and do another story if their web site prints the press release?2016-11-29T21:45:16+00:00

No. Why would they want to write about the same exact topic twice? That doesn’t make sense. You’ve told your story in your exact words. What could be better than that?

Is a press release better than an article the reporter writes?2016-11-29T21:44:57+00:00

Both are good. With a press release, you get to tell your story in your exact words and you can frame the story as you want it to appear. When a reporter writes a story, she could include your comments, then call your arch competitor and include his comments saying his stuff is better than your stuff. Then she could call an analyst who says that another company has even better stuff. In other words, you lose control of the story when a reporter writes it. Press releases could give you a better way to tell your story.

What is a good topic for a press release?2016-11-29T21:44:35+00:00

Anything new is a good topic. For example, a new product, a new service or a new book. Announcements of honors and awards are also good. You can promote your speaking engagements so future prospects see you as a thought leader and industry expert.  You can even turn good articles into press releases.

Can I turn an article into a press release?2016-11-29T21:44:15+00:00

Yes. Articles can be good for an “information” based marketing campaign that can position you as a thought leader or an industry expert.

Can I turn an article I’ve written into a press release?2016-11-29T21:43:59+00:00

Yes. Turning your article into a press release gives you another way to leverage your intellectual property. You can distribute your article-press release to the media and to the search engines in an effort to improve your ranking on the search engines.  Also, when people read the press release, they will realize they are learning something and they will think highly of you. You’ll establish your position as a though leader. This is a very good part of an information-based selling strategy.

Can I put in pictures or videos?2016-11-29T21:43:39+00:00

You can put in links to pictures or videos to any location on the Internet, such as your website or YouTube.

Will one press release make a big difference to me?2016-11-29T21:43:05+00:00

Yes. Many of our clients have seen dramatic improvements in their search engine results after just one press release. You can also brag that you’ve been quoted in more than 40 media sites after sending just one press release. However, for long-term results, you should plan on sending a press release each month.

How many press releases should I send out each month?2016-11-29T21:42:47+00:00

You should budget for sending one press release a month if you are a small business.

Where can I get ideas for press releases?2016-11-29T21:40:44+00:00

Look at your competitors’ press releases for additional ideas. Also read your industry trade journals to see what topics are hot. Write about those trends and ideas. You can write your opinion in a press release as well. There’s no end of opportunities. If you are stuck, you can brainstorm with us.

Writing press releases looks easy. Could I do this on my own?2016-11-29T21:40:25+00:00

If you have a background in PR or journalism, you probably can. If not, then consider letting us do it for you. If writing press releases and optimizing them for the search engines were easy, there wouldn’t be a need for this business.

Can I use a template of a press release I found on the Internet?2016-11-29T21:40:07+00:00


If I send a press release to a reporter, will she print it? After all, isn’t that what they are paid to do?2016-11-29T21:39:47+00:00

No. Reporters get many more press releases than they can ever use. Getting a reporter to write a story based on a press release is actually pretty difficult. That’s why our Guaranteed Press Release program gives you more chances for success than you could get on your own.

How can I track results?2016-11-29T21:38:15+00:00

We will send you a report that shows where the press release was printed within 24 hours of sending the press release. You can also search for the press release on Google by typing in the headline and surrounding it with quotation marks for an exact search.

When will you send me the report?2016-11-29T21:37:58+00:00

We will send you a report within 24 hours of the time the press release was distributed.

What is included in the report?2016-11-29T21:37:40+00:00

We will show you where the press release was printed. The report will include the logo from the website, a link to the actual page the press release was printed on and (in many cases), the circulation figures for that media site.

Do you charge a membership fee, like some other press release distribution services?2016-11-29T21:37:18+00:00

No. We charge only for sending the press release, writing the release (if you hire us) and optimizing the press release (if you hire us). There are no hidden fees.

Why are your rates for sending press releases so low compared to the major companies?2016-11-29T21:34:17+00:00

We actually use the services of one of the major companies. We have negotiated a better price because we buy in bulk. We get a better rate than you could get. We pass the savings along to you.

How can I pay?2016-11-29T21:33:59+00:00

You can order online via our shopping cart or via PayPal. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express, as well as PayPal.

If I need to get a press release sent the same day, can you do that?2022-03-21T17:11:26+00:00

Our special pricing discount is based on next-day service. However, for $250 additional, we can send your press release on the same day.

Why should I use your service instead of the others?2016-11-29T21:32:37+00:00

We guarantee your press release will be printed on more than 40 media web sites. No one else makes that claim. We back it up with a full, money-back guarantee.

What makes your service different from companies that send out press releases?2016-11-29T21:32:14+00:00

We are the only one that will write your press release and optimize it for the search engines and then send it to the media. Other services don’t provide writing, editing or SEO services like we do. You have to write the release. If you make mistakes or don’t put in the correct SEO terms, you’re out of luck when you use other services.

Why should I use your service instead of a free service?2016-11-29T21:31:56+00:00

Free services don’t write or edit releases. We do. They don’t optimize the press release for search engines. We do. Free services don’t guarantee results. We do.

Where does the press release go?2016-11-29T21:31:38+00:00

We send your press release to more than 30,000 journalists and editors at more than 17,500 news outlets who write and report on various subjects. Included in that are the 100 top daily newspapers and magazines. As a bonus, we also send to reporters who cover specialized fields and who have opted in to our lists to receive press releases.

How can you guarantee the press release will be printed?2016-11-29T21:30:45+00:00

We have identified more than 200 media web sites that want content and print just about everything we send them. They trust us and they want material.

I used another name-brand service and wasn’t happy with the results. Why should I trust you?2022-03-21T17:12:07+00:00

We guarantee our work. If your press release doesn’t appear on at least 50 media web sites, we’ll refund your money. No other service will do that.

What else do you guarantee?2016-11-29T21:29:58+00:00

We guarantee that the press release will be distributed to the media via a major press release distribution service that is trusted by reporters.

Is there anything you won’t print?2016-11-29T21:29:38+00:00

We reserve the right to reject any press release that violates good common sense, dubious commercial claims or hate speech.

Can I send the press release to my list of reporters and contacts?2016-11-29T21:29:19+00:00


Can I post the press release on my website?2016-11-29T21:28:59+00:00


Can I put the names of the publications that print the press release on my website?2016-11-29T21:28:41+00:00


Can I say I was quoted in those publications?2016-11-29T21:28:24+00:00


Can I say I was written up in those publications?2016-11-29T21:27:57+00:00


Can I take screen shots of the press releases on the media sites to use in my marketing materials?2016-11-29T21:27:38+00:00

Yes. You might want to ask permission.

How long will those press releases be posted to the media sites?2016-11-29T21:27:17+00:00

Some sites will keep the press release for years. Others will remove them after 90 days. You get long-term benefits as well as short-term benefits.

When is the release distributed?2016-11-29T21:26:56+00:00

After you approve the press release, we schedule the press release to be distributed by 9 a.m. Eastern time on the next business day.

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